Hanged man It’s not always what they seem.
This hanged man tarot card this card shows the image of a man suspended upside down and hanging by his foot from the living tree. This tree is rooted deep in the underworld, and it is believed to be a support for the heavens. There is a belief that the hanging man is actually positioned there by his own free will. We believe this due to the calm expression in his eyes. His right foot is bound by the branches while his left foot is totally free. While doing this the man is securing both hands in an manner which creates an inverted triangle. The red pants he is wearing represent the physical body and human’s love for one another, and the blue shirt he is wearing shirt are representative of peaceful emotions, a combination commonly found in saints. The symbol of his intellect is the yellow color of his hair, shoes and his halo. The hanged man realizes the significance of his position as the sacrifice he was forced to accept in order to move forward, whether as repentance for the past mistakes, or as an intentional step backwards to review his route. This time he spends here is not wasted as he does this as part of his progression forward. The upside-down state of his body can also symbolize the feeling of those that walk a spiritual path, for they see the world differently. Where there are others that do not understand the need to sacrifice, you view it differently. It is a natural course of action for you when you are on the path alone. The Hanged Man card reflects an urge to stop any action. In turn, it could signal a time of uncertainty. This means that certain actions or choices that require to be properly implemented could be put off even though there is an urgency to act at this moment. In fact, it would be ultimately the best to be able of delaying certain actions to give yourself more time to think about the most important decisions. This is the most beneficial option. The Hanged Man is about sacrifice as well as new perspectives. It is also about being patiently waiting for the perfect moment. For those who are single who are single, the upright Hanged Man tarot love meaning indicates that things are not to be taken lightly. No matter how much you put yourself into your love life or send your date with all the appropriate things, it may not be up to you if the other party isn’t ready. In lieu of trying to pressure or force the relationship to go from a point of no return to fruition, use this time to see what your perspectives change when you’re by yourself. Similar things happen in relationships as well. The timing of conversations can be a problem when you are having crucial discussions or moving relationships to next level.